Saturday, October 11, 2008


Yesterday I went to Little Tokyo with Jennifer Oh from my ART408 class to take some pictures for our second project. We found a graphic design section when we went to Kinokuniya Book Store! They had a bunch of really cool stuff! :) There were books for icons, books for environmental art, books for graffiti art, and pretty much anything else in the field.

They had a lot of really great things in there, though. They have books for arts & craft like origami, sewing, and various others. And of course, they had a HUGE manga (graphic novel) section. They also have CDs and DVDs, too. They also have Japanese magazines... lots and lots of them. There are even magazines for jewelry. And another one for nails. And men's hairstyles!

In case you wanna check out the bookstore, here's the address:
123 Astronaut E S Onizuka Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

1 comment:

B.Huitz said...

I didn't know they had a store in Los Angeles, I went to the one in San Francisco if I'm not wrong...It's like a Japanese version of Border Bookstore. They sell plenty of Art supplies at affordable prices.