Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm not really this geeky.

Yay for Batman! I was browsing online, looking for Halloween themed movies and or books that I could enjoy for the remainder of this month, and I saw this cover for a Batman graphic novel issue and got really happy and distracted because 1) I'm a huge Batman fan, and 2) I thought this cover looked awesome!

I really like this!! It's actually one in a series of 13, I believe. I feel that it's very simple and effective and totally catches your eyes because of the contrast. But even though it's simple, you can still see a lot of details.

Speaking of eye-catching Halloween-related covers... this one sort of reminds me of Rocky Horror Picture Show because of the striking colors against the black background. Huzzah for Rocky Horror as well :)

Oh, and in case you were wondering what happened to my Halloween search, it didn't get very far because once I hit that Batman cover, and it reminded me of Rocky Horror, I thought of David Bowie because of the 70's, and it was GAME OVER for my Halloween searching. I think I'll just re-watch The Nightmare Before Christmas again, as I do every Halloween season!


Unknown said...

Love love love love...
batman design, rocky horror, (tim curry and susan sarandon), david bowie, nightmare before christmas, (tim burton and coleen atwood)

all that and i've forgotten what it was i wanted to say besides, mmm

Anonymous said...

It is fantastic. The green is the best chosen color for this design.