Monday, February 23, 2009

Text modules?

Another one I found while looking at Comm Arts...

This one is designed by Samia Saleem. I feel like I've been seeing text arranged like this a lot lately. The McDonalds ads look like this right now, and I think I saw a Ford commercial (actually, I'm not sure... I just know it was a commerical for a car...) and it had moving type that would line up/fall like tetris pieces into these module sort of configurations sometimes.

1 comment:

eightiesguru/musicguru said...

Joel said...

Interest collection of words and different font styles. Together they create an interesting square design. The different thick to thin font type designs create a visually interesting design. You can almost visually pinpoint these differences easily just by looking at it. Their differences can be pointed out easily which allows for successful design.