There are places all around the country where female dogs are kept for the sole purpose of breeding. When they get old, they get killed off to make way for younger female dogs to breed. These breeders then sell the puppies to unknowing pet stores owners everywhere.
I thought that this ad was pretty depressing. Very well done, but disturbing. It made me feel really sad, so they got their point through. They remind me of the AIDS ads that Byron Huitz from my ART408 class put up, except that those were so obscene that they were a little bit funny in their shock. But I don't find this ad funny at all :'(
What an effective ad on animal cruelty. It got my attention because I love dogs and hate seeing animals mistreated. It definitely convinced me for a call to action. What consist of good add is that it touches yours emotions if it does not do that, its not a good at at all. Therefore, this is depressing ad but effective.
This is a powerful ad. This ad reminds me of the film "Street Dogs of South Central" you can watch the trailer on Youtube here's the URL below:
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