Tonight I attended my sixth Dir en grey concert! SIX. Oh god... I think I've been to too many? I don't know. I still love them! My hearing is shot, but it's okay.
I got my CD signed this time at the meet & greet! Funny, it was the same two that I got to meet last time at the Family Values Tour--Shinya and Die. Except that last time, we got to shake their hands, and this time, we got signed CDs. Shinya is so beautiful... and Die is so handsome... hmmm... yes. The concert was fun. The setlist was familiar. I was hoping they would play more of their new songs, but they only played 4. I think that it's just because I've been to soo many of their concerts that the songs seem familiar hahahaha!
Picture flood ahead:

My Dir en grey CDs thus far. Hmm... I'm detecting a theme in their CD covers...

My signed CDs~ (12012, Dir en grey, Olivia, Duel Jewel, & Blood)

Signed poster from Rockstar Taste of Chaos. There are 13 signatures on this baby!

Signed poster from Duel Jewel... gah... what a badly designed poster, eh? To be fair, they were barely beginning their career when I got this one signed.
My mother thinks I should stop bringing home "useless signed merchandise"... but I think she's wrong...

These are the ticket stubs to everything I've been to... I'm missing the ticket stub for the BLOOD concert, though :( They TOOK OUR TICKETS at the door for that one. Boo to them! And the Duel Jewel concerts didn't have tickets~

These are my Jrock related tickets. The entire left side are the shows I've seen Dir en grey at.
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