The 10.21.08 exhibit is about the show's title sequence. I agree with what the Comm Arts website says about it, and what I thought was interesting the first time I watched the opening sequence was how different it felt from those giant TRUE BLOOD posters. The posters look very sleek and sexy. It has a dark and cold, "gothvamp" feel to it, which is pretty stereotypical. They look more like an advertisement for the vamp bar in the series (Fangtasia--as vampire Bill explains, most vampires are very old, and at the time they were created, puns were the highest form of humor).
But the opening sequence is so different. The colors look a little dull, but the content is messy and chaotic. There's a lot of carnage and it looks real trashy. The images used are those that one might associate with small southern towns of clashing mindsets; small children, deadly or dead animals, African-American folk in a church, prostitutes, old buildings, and all that good fun. The song choice is "I Want to Do Bad Things With You" by Jace Everett, and it's pretty suggestive, as you probably guessed by the title. Overall, I think the opening sequence is great. It really sets the mood for the whole show and the producers did a fantastic job.
The 10.09.08 web pick of the day showcased a very interesting advertising campaign for Tru Blood--the fictional synthetic blood drink for vampires. It's also interesting to note that they really went all-out while advertising for show by advertising for the drink. If you look in youtube, there are fictional videos about it made by the advertising campaign. It actually reminds me of how The Dark Knight advertised for the movie by advertising for Harvey Dent as a real candidate.
The poster!

The opening sequence!
Thanks for sharing this exihibit. I'll make sure check it out. This kind of poster you posted reminds me of that book and soon be movie "Twilight." Sounds interesting.
Yeah, it does a little bit! I think the Twilight series' covers are more of a hint, though. They give a small window of curiosity as to what the book is about. The True Blood poster is very in-your-face, and you know exactly that it's about vampires.
Twilight is soo much more wholesome, hahaha!
Both of the series are pretty good, though :) I'm curious to see the Twilight movie, but going in with low hopes, just in case the movie isn't good!
The True Blood poster caught my attention because of the great contrast. The red hue really stands out which is a great eye catcher. The video was very interesting but scary in some parts. I guess their is alot to expect from it all.
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